Custom Interior & Exterior Coatings

DETAILS REALLY DO MATTER… All surfaces are unique, so too is our approach to every project.

Regardless of the scope of your plans, Complete Coatings has you covered. Whether creating inspiring commercial space, building a new home or preserving a treasured private retreat — our experienced team of coating professionals provides the detailed product knowledge and professional-grade application skills needed to address all building materials and surfaces.

Utilizing the highest quality, environmentally appropriate products available, our in-house resources and equipment allow us to dramatically improve the appearance of any property, while appropriately covering, protecting and preserving your valuable real estate.

Whether the job calls for creating a “furniture-grade finish” using traditional oils, stains and tints due to the unique demands of historic preservation, or requires applying complex polymer coatings on a tight construction deadline, the scope of our work and decades of quality customer care consistently delivers results that exceed client expectations.